What are the Differences Between a Digital Currency and a Cryptocurrency?
YuanPay Group

In the financial aspect, everyone is experiencing an enormous change from a traditional wallet to a digital wallet. Of course, this is all possible through digital transformation. As the word defines, a digital wallet is digital in nature. It acts as the storage of digital currencies. A lot of beginners usually interchange the meaning of digital currency and cryptocurrency. It is far more comprehensive than you think. But we are always here to help you know what are the differences between a digital currency and a cryptocurrency.
Basic information that you need to know:
Centrally issued currencies backed by central banks
A centralized cryptocurrency, such as Digital Yuan, is a platform designed to buy or sell digital assets. A third party accredited by the central bank will monitor every transaction. The latter is also responsible for securing the assets on behalf of the buyer and the seller. In order to verify your account, you have to entrust your personal information. The same requirement if you’re a company, you have to provide your corporate details to verify your account. The more sufficient data you provide, the higher your withdrawal quota will be. What if a technical error happens? Don’t worry, if you are a verified user there is always someone from the support team that can assist you.
Basically, centralized crypto exchanges offer fiat pairs at stable prices to their users. This is why centralized crypto trading becomes popular to a wide range of users from all over the globe. There are many leading centralized platforms today. Some of them are Binance, YuanPay, Coinbase, and many more.
Centralized cryptocurrency exchanges are proven to be more liquid. This resulted from particular users that make orders according to the market trend. Therefore, if an asset is in demand, a number of users will buy or sell it accordingly. As a result, the market makers themselves add more liquidity to the platform.
Would you like to get started?
YuanPay Group offers its own coin and centralized crypto trading platform. The central bank of China and the Chinese government itself support our coins. YuanPay trading platform is continuously becoming in demand. Millions of people keep inquiring and adopting us daily. Buying Chinese Yuan can be done through our official page at https://yuanpaygroup.com/. Feel free to visit our page for more valuable information.
Creating an account with YuanPay is voluntary. When you have your own account, the following strategies will depend on you. But there is a lot of free training out there. You can do this one at a time and see which ones work for you best. What we can assure is that Yuan coins are traded using our centralized platform. No flimsy stories behind and we aim for transparency.

Cryptocurrencies backed by corporations
When a cryptocurrency is backed by corporations, then it is generally inside a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange. It is almost similar to a centralized exchange. The major difference is that it doesn’t have a third party accredited by the nation’s central bank. Everything is stored on a technology called the blockchain.
Decentralized cryptocurrency platforms allow P2P trading. It means that peer-to-peer can use assets, escrow systems, or a proxy token. The client will bring the cryptocurrency to the gate within a decentralized exchange, the system will store the same and the client proxy token is given in their place. When the said tokens are available, they can now be used for trading.
Characteristics of digital currencies
Generally, digital currencies are created from a centralized system. It means that transactions within the network are all regulated inside a centralized system/location. A perfect example is a bank institution. Cryptocurrencies are most likely to be in decentralized medium, except Digital Yuan and others of the same kind baked by the national bank. YuanPay Group is one of the founding organizations that offers a centralized coin.
Limited Transparency
Digital currencies lack transparency. If you transact using digital currency, you are not allowed to choose the address of the wallet nor sell all money transfers at the very start. All the data that comes in and out are all kept with extreme privacy and confidentiality. On the other hand, if you look for transparency, there are many cryptocurrencies in the market that will give you enough data that you need. All users can see each transaction made and received by the account. How is this possible? It is because all revenue streams are placed in a blockchain technology a.k.a public chain.
Similarities and Differences Between Cryptocurrencies and Digital Currencies
Digital currency is the electronic version of currency notes and coins. The same can be stored in a digital wallet. One example is your digital balance via online banking. If you wish to transform the amount into physical cash, it can be done through an ATM or over-the-counter transaction. In short, digital currency is intangible cash that has an open-source exchange between two parties.
Cryptocurrency came from the encrypted form of digital currency. Also, it is highly volatile in the international investment market. There are many names for which you may have heard. The most popular ones are Bitcoin, Etherium, Digital Yuan, Dogecoin, and many more. All of which are created with the aid of advanced blockchain technology for a smooth flow of transactions.
Today, the rate of digital currency is very easy to anticipate. You can deal with it without a worry in the global market. As long as you can read and do basic math, you can deal with any kind of digital currency transaction. You are not required to do extensive research and all. When dealing with cryptocurrency, the market is very volatile. It is a bit riskier but can earn more returns big time. Investment or any huge transaction between two companies has a high profitability rate. Sudden change in the rate is beneficial when you store low-priced crypto that is affected positively by the market volatility.
As discussed earlier, digital currency only offers little information. Whether you are the sender or the receiver of digital currency, you are only entitled to the bank name, amount, time, and date during the transaction. Again, with cryptocurrency, transparency is its most prominent feature. Through blockchain technology, the whole stream of conversation between two transacting parties, both past, and current, is always available. For instance, all private conversations are kept with appropriate confidentiality. Only the buyer and seller can get access to it. No one else is entitled to it.
Digital currencies are entitled to a central authority. This power can be used to deal with any problems or issues. For example, if the situation permits so, a central body can freeze, suspend, or cancel a transaction upon the request of the authorities or the participant. To make it simple, a digital currency has the influence where the Reserve Banks maintain the entire banking system of the respective country of registration. Banks can micro-manage all of the transaction flow for everyone. This includes a digital wallet and a physical wallet. Cryptocurrencies in a decentralized system are still regulated by their respective communities no matter what the case is. Of course, except those coins which are under a centralized system.
This is one of the major differences between digital currency and cryptocurrency. Within the digital wallet, digital currency is only partially encrypted. It requires no security even when you need to open an account. What will happen? When your bank account gets hacked, you may instantly lose all your money. It will require a lot of investigation in order to get back your original balance. Cryptocurrency is highly and profoundly encrypted. A cybersecurity system is a must to protect all kinds of coins from sudden cyberattacks.
Transaction Fee
Fees after fees after fees, this is the reality of digital currency transactions. Charges after charges are a never-ending cycle. There is a huge amount of transaction fees directly involved with digital currency. When there is payment via a digital wallet, when you need to do a balance inquiry with another bank, when you need to pay different banks, there will be different amounts of fees. In cryptocurrency, no fees will be incurred with usual and basic transactions. Blockchain technology helps to lessen the need for an extra commission from third-party agents. If you are born to be an investor, cryptocurrency is the perfect innovation for anything involving valuable assets.
There you have the answers as to what are the differences between a digital currency and a cryptocurrency. As you can conclude, digital currency is like a tree with lots of branches. Not being biased here but central bank-backed digital currencies are likely to be our reality. It has the highest potential of purely changing the economy, most particularly Digital Euro and DIgital Yuan. These currencies can survive against market volatility and promote sufficient security. Additionally, the fact that they are supported by their respective monetary institutions, the financial aspect is secured to have stability.
Hope you enjoy reading and gain insights. Cheers to your future financial freedom!